Mn/ Sithyvinayakar Hindu College, Mannar

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 Tel: 0232222321


Mannar Sithyvinayakar Hindu College One of the naitional school in Mannar district there are three National schools in Mannar district This site is updated by IT Unit of Sithyvinayakar Hindu College,Mannar

  இன்றைய குறள்

வாய்மை எனப்படுவது யாதெனின் யாதொன்றும் உறுதி
தீமை இலாத சொலல்.
You ask in lips of men what truth may be
Its spech every taint of evil free. (No. 291)


Guiding ,educating, and training the student community to become the worthy citizens of tomorrow, endowed with the knowledge ,capability and a sense of righteous leadership to face the challenges of the future respecting the social religious and cultural traditions of others with tolerance and mutual good will and dedicating themselves to cherish and preserve the catty idea of the saivite - Tamil Social, religious and cultural heritage.

To be the premier driving force in General Education leading to uniqueness and sustainable advancement of the society with fair minded perception.  

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